Metal Finishing / Plating

A Variety of Options for Your Needs

If your parts require a bright, smooth or cosmetic finish, our metal finishing processes are the answer. 16 tumbling machines allow high volume processing with polished surface shine. The tumbling process can be used to deburr, polish, or to remove material such as applying a radius to sharp edges of a pin.

Metal Finishing and Tumbling


Plating is a process by which a thin layer of typically zinc, nickel, copper, gold, silver, or other element is applied to change the surface characteristics of a metal. Most often this plating is used to improve corrosion resistance of pins, shafts, hand tools, and other types of pins.

Black Oxide Coating

Another type of corrosion prevention we offer is Black Oxide coating. In this process, the surface of the metal components are converted to magnitite (Fe3O4). This is commonly used in hand tools due to the glare reduction properties of black oxide.

Black Oxide Coating


For stainless steel components, a passivated surface may be desirable. Similar to other methods of surface improvement, a passivation process will resist corrosion. This process removes free iron from the part’s surface, leaving a protective layer providing excellent protection from chemicals such as acids.